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O'Brennan National School, Tralee, Co. Kerry

Active Flag


Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland, and part of the National Physical Activity Plan.

The ASF initiative provides schools with a framework to guide, support and incentivise them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community.

Once awarded, ASF remains valid for a period of 3 years, after which time schools are invited to re-engage with the process.


Here at O' Brennan NS we have just received our 3rd Active School Flag which runs until June 2025.

20th Jun 2024
Well done to our 6th class girls relay team who received their medals for coming...
20th Jun 2024
5th and 6th class had an amazing adventure walking up Glanageenty Woods today! They...
20th Jun 2024
Our final assembly of the year took place this morning with lots of certificates...